Tuesday, April 2, 2013


It has been weeks since we last conversed indirectly through the expansive technological feat known as the Internet.  There has been reasons, some planned some not, that has led to our tardiness and lack of motivation to publish a blog post. I had a surgical procedure done on my nose and the weather in western NY has been less than optimal most will say.  The conditions have been some of the most brutal spring climate I have seen in years.  Still team GTO has been on the water grinding it out.  From steelies to the trout opener we have plenty of material and pics to bring you multiple posts in the next coming weeks.  

Most of the GTO pro team will be together this week at camp for a half week of trout fishing the Genessee river along with the many small creeks and tribs branching off.  Trout season is in full effect and we plan on landing plenty of fish and having plenty of laughs.  NY state DEC has dumped thousands of hatchery browns and brooks into the waters we fish in Alleghany, Cattaragus, Wyoming, Genessee, Erie, and Niagara counties.  This aggressive stocking plan coupled with beautiful projected weather should lead to plenty of hookups, a great time on the water, and some awesome camp cooked meals.

We have been busy doing some business moving our young company forward during our hiatus also.  We have plans to produce an independent film chronicling our on water adventures this year with possibility of producing a full length DVD and/or YouTube series.  The film will also be an entry into the 2014 fly fishing film festival.  check out their website to learn more about this awesome tour bringing the sport to many around the US and Canada via awesome film makers and fly fisherman alike.  To go along with this we are in talks with Steve Tedesco to help GTO out with filming, editing, film production, etc.  Steve is a highly talented, artistic film maker and photographer.  The way Steve looks at the world and the items in it are no where near how you or me see them.  Having Steve on board highly excites me to get this film project moving along with maybe some test shoots uploaded to YouTube for ya'll to check out.  To view some of Steve's work check out Sonny Westgate Photography on Facebook or check his IMDb.

In the mean time still shots on this awesome blog are gonna have to hold you over.  We'll be back with the next 12-24 hours with various photos and blogs about some on water and upcoming plans for the ole Grilling the Outdoors crew


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for checking out the team GTO blog. Please stop back often. We'll be sure to check you out
